Parallel Clip
"More visually expansive than Ezban’s previous works, Parallel is well served by cinematographer Karim Hussain (We Are Still Here [2015], Hobo with a Shotgun [2011]), who together offer up a dizzying array of stylistic flourishes and splashes of startling color to descry and detail the different multiverses. The nimble camera rarely rests, delivering a wide arrangement of virtuoso visuals, including De Palma-like split-diopters, Kubrickian steadicam tracking shots, spiraling dervishes, and breathless closeups signifying unease and anticipating imminent dangers.
As Parallel breathlessly speeds towards its precarious finish, the audience is easily swept up in the complexities of time, identity, morality and the ethics of technological analysis couched in the form of a chic, ultra-slick and yet shrewdly nuanced weird-science psychodrama.
Capturing the genre jeu d’esprit, Ezban gives us one of the strongest sci-fi offerings of the year, a film that is endlessly inventive, and sheerly enjoyable. Don’t miss it."
Director Of Photography: Karim Hussain csc
Director: Isaac Ezban
With: Martin Wallstrom, Georgia King, Amel Ameen, Mark O'Brien, Kathleen Quinlan
Producers: Bron Pictures
Distributors: Vertical Entertainment
Festivals: Brussels Fantastic Film Festival, Sitges Film Festival, Fantasia Film Festival, Morbido Film Festival, VIFF
Cameras: Arri Alexa Mini
Lenses: Bausch and Lomb Super Baltars, Clairmont Kowa Anamorphics, 90mm Macro Kilar